5 Signs You Should Repair or Replace Your Car's Thermostat

15 December 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


You probably don't think much about your car's thermostat, but it plays a vital role in keeping your vehicle running smoothly. The thermostat sits between the engine and the radiator, and it controls the flow of coolant between these two parts. This is what allows the engine to run at a proper temperature.

However, car thermostats can become worn over time, and this can lead to several problems. It's best to see a mechanic as soon as possible to have the part replaced or repaired since issues associated with a faulty thermostat can create more serious damage to other key parts.

With that in mind, here are just five common signs your car's thermostat is in trouble.

1. Your Engine Keeps Overheating  

If your car's thermostat gets stuck in the closed position, the engine is likely to overheat. This occurs because hot coolant cannot flow from the engine back to the radiator, which is where that heat would normally be dispersed. That means the temperature of the engine will climb higher and higher, often to the point where you need to pull over.

2. Your Engine Runs Cold

Just as overheating can occur when the thermostat gets stuck in the closed position, a thermostat stuck in the open position will keep things too cool. When coolant can flow freely, your engine might not be able to reach its proper operating temperature. This will impact efficiency, and you may notice your engine remaining cool throughout your drive.

3. You Get Strange Temperature Readings

In some cases, your thermostat will fail slowly rather than getting stuck in one position. When this happens, you're likely to see temperature readings on your dashboard's thermostat gauge changing erratically throughout your drive. If you notice the engine temperature going up and down without cause, the thermostat is probably to blame.

4. You Notice Low Coolant Levels

Issues with the thermostat can often cause coolant levels to fall, so you may find yourself prompted to add coolant more than is usual. After you do, take note of where the coolant comes to in the tank. If it appears much lower after just a few days, you're probably looking at either a coolant leak or an issue with the thermostat.

5. Your Cabin Keeps Changing Temperature

Your car's thermostat will impact the temperature in your cabin as well as under the hood. If your thermostat isn't working properly, you may find interior air temperature going from hot to cold without any apparent reason. These temperature changes will generally be unpredictable and occur abruptly.

If you notice any of these issues, stop by an auto repair shop for help.